Gain Strategic Clarity

When I was a marketing manager...

  • Wasted time
    I wasted so much time trying to learn about everything I needed to get done.
  • Needed perspective
    I learned a lot, but didn’t have perspective on the new technologies, initiatives, or projects I was supposed to work on.
  • Stops and starts = lack of progress
    I experienced a lot of stops and starts on projects, with many never getting done because I didn’t fully understand what I needed to be successful.

So how do you manage everything your company needs from you, develop great strategic plans and budgets, and move your projects forward successfully this year?

There are plenty of ways to get the job done.

You’ve probably…
  • Tried insourcing and doing it all yourself
  • Tried to hire specialists with wild claims of guaranteed results
  • Even considered using Fiverr or Upwork to provide assistance where you need it
After spending 15 years in the industry as a marketing manager and executive, then two decades as an agency owner helping thousands of companies, I don't recommend any of these approaches.
These approaches don't work because they don't:
  • Address the root problem
  • Provide the right plans
  • Establish clear objectives
  • Spend time and money effectively
So what's the key to gaining clarity, developing a plan, and implementing that plan to get real results?
You need strategic project planning that is:
  • Low cost
  • Low risk
  • Based on experience and proven results

Our team has helped companies and professionals like you develop thousands of these plans. With hundreds of iterations, lessons learned, and successes achieved, we have the experience to know the best way to move forward.

How do we do it?

Marketing Strategy Roadmap

Tested in the real world with hundreds of companies,
our strategic roadmap plans have impacted hundreds of millions of dollars of growth for our clients.

This is just a Placeholder headline

Tested in the real world with hundreds of companies

This is just a Placeholder



Our Roadmap plans have impacted millions of dollars of growth for our clients.

Step 1

Roadmap Overview

The 30,000 ft. view of our Roadmap process and how it will be valuable to your company.

Step 2

Discovery Process

Our team will help you:

  1. Identify your current situation
  2. Identify your goals
  3. Recognize what's keeping you from achieving your goals
  4. Address gaps.

Step 3

Roadmap Plan Development

Develop a plan that will actually work based on:

  • Industry standards
  • Best practices
  • Our expertise and the expertise we leverage through podcast interviews

Save time by leaning on our experience.
Don't waste time spending months figuring out what works -- instead, spend your time and energy on optimizing a Roadmap tried and tested with hundreds of B2B and manufacturing companies.

Step 4

Roadmap Delivered

Outcome 1:

A strategic plan aligned with your goals

Outcome 2:

A tactical plan aligned with your budget and resources

Outcome 3:

A calendar detailing the steps to take to achieve your goals

We've got you covered.

Bonus #1

Preparation to sell the Roadmap to your team.

We'll help you develop a presentation so you're ready to move this project forward and achieve buy-in from your company.

Bonus #2

We will present the plan with you to your team.

Bonus #3

Set up for success

We've compiled a list of the C-suite's frequently asked questions about marketing plans so you're ready with the right answers.

A final note

If you're still reading, it's because you're looking for help.

This offer is for you if you're an owner, founder, or c-suite executive who needs help with your company's marketing strategy.

This offer is for you if you are a marketing manager or team member in need of help and expertise to handle all of the tasks you're asked to manage in marketing.

This offer is for you if you want to learn from a team who has done this hundreds of times and can bring a wealth of knowledge to your situation.

I've spent the last 20 years mastering B2B and manufacturing marketing. First as a marketing manager, then as a marketing executive, and now as a founder of a marketing agency.

I look forward to helping you with your next steps.

Bill Woods

Co-Founder and CMO
50 Marketing

Frequently Asked Questions

Our roadmaps are normally priced at $5,000. However, we will offer one roadmap of your choice for $1,500.

Why? We want to look at your most important, highest priority problem. If that's branding, we'll evaluate it and develop a roadmap for success together. Think of it as a test drive!

Warning: Over 75% of our Roadmap clients sign ongoing retainers with 50 Marketing to help them execute and optimize their marketing programs.

About 10% don't move forward (sometimes we just aren't a good fit to work well together).

15% hire us for strategic oversight, to have another set of eyes on their program, to assist their internal teams with planning.

National and International Clients
We work with clients across the U.S. and worldwide.
Certified Agency
We're certified in HubSpot, Google Ads, and more.

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