Manufacturer launches new brand, website, and omnichannel B2B marketing campaigns to drive leads.

A family-owned manufacturing company in Ohio undergoes digital transformation.

Trans-mix™ Tote Mix Agitators are a niche product in the Fawcett company family of brands. The company wanted an agressive growth program to grow in this specific niche.

Before retaining 50 Marketing, Trans-mix™ relied on traditional sales and marketing programs. 50 Marketing and Trans-mix™ launched Omnichannel B2B marketing campaigns to increase tote mixing for stainless steel IBCs sales.

Omnichannel B2B Campaigns

TransMix Omni Channel Graphic
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Trans-mix™ relied on history and some in-house sales team members to drive sales. Cold calls, cold emails, and cold prospecting were used as the main "go-to-market" strategy.
TransMix Website
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Digital Transformation Plan

The digital transformation of Trans-mix™ focused on 3 basic areas:

  1. Exploration Ads Campaigns for high funnel search and new market entrants.

  2. Harvest campaigns to current customers and prospects to increase add-on, aftermarket, accessory, and upsell opportunities.

  3. AIM Reach B2B Omnichannel acquisition campaigns to new target markets.

Digital Touchpoints
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1. Discovery and Planning

50 Marketing and Trans-mix™ completed a Discovery and Planning exercise. The first steps in this process define the company's brand, the products and services offered, and the company's unique value proposition. The next steps focus on the customer's perspective, developing buyer personas, buyer's journey mapping, and solutions messaging.
Tranxmix Discovery and Planning
Discovery and Planning
The outcome of the Discovery and Planning process was a customized road map for growth, including a strategic plan, a tactical plan, and a budget.
Brechbuhler Manufacturing Road Map
Strategy Activate Amplify

2. Market Mapping

Market Mapping and Mining was completed to identify ideal clients for Trans-mix™. The process involved architecture, curation, and optimization of potential customer lists.
Market Mapping Process

3. Content Marketing

50 Marketing and Trans-mix™ developed a content marketing plan for high-funnel attraction as well as low-funnel sales enablement.
TransMix Content Marketing

4. Omnichannel Campaigns

Omnichannel campaigns were developed and distributed to the Market Mapping and Mining lists. These campaigns are personalized by buyer persona and target market to ensure solutions messages are delivered to the buyer. Further segmentation of the target markets was completed by buyer type, industry segment, and product.
TransMix Omni Channel Graphic

5. Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation was incorporated to track leads. It included lead scoring, lead nurturing, and automated follow-up sequences.
50 Marketing - Marketing Automation

6. Analytics

50 Marketing launched a unique Dashboard to track each ad. Analytics are captured by platform and determine the cost effectiveness of each campaign.
Brechbuhler Dashboard
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The Result

Cost per acquisition 11x lower than the B2B industry average using social media ads.

In addition, Omnichannel ads composite benchmarks were 2x higher than industry averages for Click-through-Rate, 55% below the industry average on cost per click, and Cost per thousand at 35% below the B2B industry average.

Experience You Can Trust

Award-Winning Agency
50 Marketing has received multiple international awards for manufacturer and B2B marketing.
National and International Clients
50 Marketing has clients in 33 states and 5 countries.
Certified Agency
50 Marketing is recognized by leading marketing service providers like HubSpot, Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Want to see what 50 Marketing can do for you?

50 Marketing works with you to identify the wasted time, effort, and money in your marketing efforts. Then, we’ll help you plan, build, and execute new marketing strategies to maximize your investment and return.

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Award-Winning Agency

50 Marketing is an award-winning agency and has received multiple international awards for website design and video production.

With clients in 33 states and 5 countries, 50 Marketing provides marketing, advertising, and digital services that are successful across geographies, industry types, and markets.

50 Marketing's programs deliver results with the right mix of strategy, planning, execution, delivery, analysis, and optimization.